Wendy Clark's Delicious Bread

Wendy was gracious to share her recipe with me, and the group.  This is the bread she served at our October Guild Meeting.  So yummy.

Simple One Hour Oatmeal Bread - Makes 2 loaves
Mix the following dry ingredients together:
5 cups BREAD Flour (I sometimes use 1 ½ C white wheat and 3 ½ C bread flour)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon salt
1 ½ heaping tablespoons SAF instant yeast (Smart & Final carries this yeast)

Squeeze or pour ~ 2 T lecithin directly into the bowl.  Do not measure. (1T = quarter size squirt) (can use 2 tb shortening or butter)
 1 C oats
2 C boiling water
½ C milk
Place oats in boiling water and add the milk.  Add to dry mixture.  Mix for 5 minutes.  When using whole wheat, mix for 10 minutes.  (Do not add flour to the dough after it has finished mixing).  Spray counter and pans with PAM.  On counter, shape 2 loaves, place in pans, and cover with a dishtowel.  Let rise 25 minutes.  Bake at 350F for 25 minutes.  This recipe makes 2 loaves and can be doubled.
Possible Add Ins:  Should be add by hand and kneaded in, especially cinnamon chips as they will melt with the hot water
Cinnamon Chips – by Hershey (can find them at Albertsons)
Dried Apples and Carmel Bits and 1 T of Cinnamon
Dried Cherries and White Chocolate Chips

Cheese and Italian Seasoning


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